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Downtown Dubai is a new, fashionable area of Dubai that has managed to reinvigorate the Emirate with its unprecedented construction projects. Downtown is usually called the business part of the city given that it has business centers, banks, and shopping malls. The building of Downtown began in 2004 and is currently the more advanced metropolis with all its structures.
Downtown Dubai is the heart of the city and the largest construction project in the Emirate. Three main attractions with global records are located here: the tallest building in the world - Burj Khalifa, the largest shopping center in the world - Dubai Mall, and the world's largest singing and dancing fountains.
- Dubai1 600 000 AED - 5 900 000 AEDपूरा करने की तिथि III त्रिमास, 2028 (निर्माणाधीन)
- 1 660 000 AEDपूरा करने की तिथि II त्रिमास, 2028 (निर्माणाधीन)
- Dubai Hills, Dubai1 400 000 AEDपूरा करने की तिथि IV त्रिमास, 2028 (निर्माणाधीन)